Saturday, April 30, 2011

6 months old!

Six months with my sweet baby boy, you give me such wonderful joy.
 I can't believe you are already mobile, but you still know nothing about getting into trouble.
I love when you smile and your two teeth show, and the way you giggle when I give your belly a blow.
Nothing gives me more peace than when I watch you sleep, all bundled in your crib and you don't make a peep.
I'm excited for the next six months with you and beyond, I hope that we continue to keep this very special bond.
My sweet little Brayden don't grow up too quick, I want to make a life for you that's absolutely epic

He is six moths old TODAY I can't believe it!! He surprised me today by starting to scoot everywhere (army crawl) like he's known all along but didn't want to actually do it until today! He's so funny. Happy half birthday B-Ray mommy loves you more than the wide wide world! :D

Friday, April 29, 2011

It's My Dream, Duh

  So why do people always feel the need to ask me, "Do you plan to get a job?" or "Are you ever going to work again?" I mean, I understand it is natural for people to question that, but my question is why is that a natural question? If someone were to tell me they were a stay-at home parent my reaction would be, "That's awesome, good for you!" I just think it's kinda sad how these days the "normal" is for both parents to work and the kid goes to day care. That's fine for those who do it and all, but I just wish some things were still like the old days. And I wish people weren't so quick to judge. That's all. :) It's not a big deal or anything but I thought I would write about it! And it kinda makes me feel even more blessed to be at home with my baby because it seems to be pretty rare these days. Do I have any other dreams? Well sure i do. I would love to continue perusing my passion for performance arts one day when Brayden is a little older. I miss my acting and dance classes, a lot. But I can wait a little while I am enjoying living out my other dream, being a mother. :D Yup yup that was one of my dreams! Since around the first grade. I actually have an interview taped on a cassette from school and my answer to what I want to be when I grow up was "A mom." My mother is reading this, I'm sure...remember that tape Mom? hehe


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Confidence and Diapers

  So if your following my blog I take it you'd like to know more about me?? One thing about myself is I am confident. No I'm not self absorbed or cocky, just confident. I didn't always feel this way, though. Growing up I was a bit of a nerd and shy. I was teased, didn't have a lot of friends, and wasn't "popular" with my family either. When I really started to grow up I think was after graduating high school, but it was a long road after that. I realized that the "acceptance" I wanted had to come from within. I needed to believe in myself if I ever wanted anyone else to believe in me. Now, I am a go getter. I don't sit and mess around and pity myself, I take steps forward. When I really started to feel the most confident in my life was when I was a waitress. I mean, how could getting a 100 dollar tip for waiting a table NOT give you that boost?! I really enjoyed that job, and it was hard work. I learned a lot about myself and it really plays part in who I am today. But nothing else has changed me more than being a mother. I am so much more confident, but in a new way. I love the way that taking care of my baby and making him a happy little person makes me feel. I even love my body more now than before I was pregnant. I have these reminders called stretch marks I see every day to remind me what I went through during my pregnancy and what I brought into this world. It's just amazing. Doing little things like, eating well and taking vitamins so he is nourished with the best and cooking his baby food with my own hands gives me a fulfillment I never knew I could have! (Plus so much more things I do)

  Ok, so to shake off the seriousness, I have to share something funny. You know how Brayden is going through a growth spurt and is eating eating eating? Well at 1 am he woke up to a soaked jammy and bedding from his diaper leaking all over the place. It seems funny now, but at 1 am it wasn't! My husband and I could barely open our eyes and we were a bit grumpified because neither of us was prepared to change and clean all that. (And he normally sleeps til at least 3 am these days.) Also it probably wouldn't have happened if he had his size 3 diaper on. But we are still trying to use up the size 2's that are left...whoops! I can't believe he even wears size 3 diapers now, unbelievable. Not only that but he is about to reach a big milestone, sitting on his own. He is VERY close. He sits for about 15-23 seconds at the most, then topples over haha. And the other day he started shaking his rattle and other toys to hear the sounds! So adorable.

My reply to an article

  A friend posted this article onto Facebook so I read it and wanted to share my thoughts on this :) First of all, when I read it it made my jaw drop, I thought it was sad! How could someone ever feel the desire of murdering their own child, or anyone the love for that matter? I would say they would have to have bipolar disorder and need some serious therapy from the get-go. Again, this is just my opinion. I know no one is alike and we all have our faults, but I have to say that I personally adore ALL babies and children. They are a beautiful blessing from God and are made so very different for a reason. And it's wonderful! I think we all (parents) should praise each other and be there for support in any way we can. Who said parenting was easy? No one, and that's because it's not. There is always going to be those times where a little voice inside asks "Is something wrong with my son/daughter?" And its healthy. It's because we are built to care and want only the best for him or her. I say my son is perfect, because he is MY son, and in my eyes he is more perfect than I could have ever imagined a baby to be. And all children are, even if the road is bumpier for some than others. They all go at different paces in life and witnessing them grow up is quite miraculous! I think we should take more time in our day to reach out and point out that our neighbors are doing a great job and give the little ones more attention, too. After all, you never really know who is lacking that extra confidence, and we all know it feels good to have confidence in ourselves.


Here is the link to the article:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Growing like a weed

  So my boy really is growing up...and he's only about to be 6 months old. He has a consistent bedtime regimen, and sleeps pretty much through the night, every night. He sure is a little spitfire and I can't get enough of him! He truly is the best baby in the world, but I may be bias. He is always happy and ALMOST never cries. I guess I just am a pro at meeting his needs! I can't help but wonder how the next 6 months are going to be. He already is eating baby food, becoming more curious than George, moving around everywhere, and has a personality that won't quit. I am excited, but sad that he's getting older...the baby days are just SO freakin fun! And I'm super blessed I'm there every minute of the day to watch and learn about him. And is it bad to think that I'm a pro at being a mom? HAHA I think not! After all, I have been waiting and preparing to be a mom my whole life. Literally.

  Oh and guess what? Brayden is just starting his 6 month growth spurt! Aren't growth spurts just kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic? The answer is no. It sucks to have a baby just want to eat sleep and fuss. But the good news is they don't last long. And if that's the reason he slept 8 hours STRAIGHT last night, cool. I can deal. I am very curious to find out his weight and all that jazz on Tuesday next week at his well appointment. Oh and he will be getting his shots again at that appointment. Nice. Well, we have done it twice and he does really good so I say, bring it on!
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