Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I need to start blogging!

Yes it has been forever, but I would just like to say that I AM alive! We got moved into the new place end of August and we are doing just well. Brayden is about to turn ONE October 30th and I couldn't feel more shocked at how the year went by so quickly. It was one of the toughest, yet BEST year of my entire life. He is worth everything and I love him just to pieces. I have been quite busy planning stuff for this month, including his party on the 29th and I have to say I love it all. When you stress about something amazing I call that good stress! Haha I know I'm weird. But if your a parent you understand what I'm saying, right?

In 2 days he will be dedicated to the Lord, at what they call a "Baby Celebration" at my church, Harvester Christian. I think this will be a wonderful experience and I'm very much looking forward to it. Everything else is set and good to go. Like, his birthday cake...I sketched it out and have a lady to make it, his one year photo shoot...hired a lady to come out to our house where I will have 3 different "outfit" photo shoots, the party of course...his first haicut, or I should say trim haha! That's this Friday also, and what else...and you can't forget the one year check up and shots! Not looking forward to that one but it will be nice to see how big he is :) Oh and we got his Halloween costume and our plans set as well. Just the day after his birthday! OH and did I mention all the other baby birthday parties we are invited to all within the SAME week?? Ya, crazy but exciting, too. I hope we make it to all of them but we may not. Depends if my hubby gets his 2 week vacation granted...prayers please!!

There are so many other things I could write about but I'd like to do a couple other things before I go to bed and it's getting late! So what will I write about the second year around being a stay at home Mommy?? Hmmm well it's still my first time so stick around and find out with me! :D Goodnight all, sleep tight.

*bear hugs*


  1. Love your blog! I found your through Bloggy Mommies in Missouri!

    1. Thank you!! It is unfortunate I just now read this comment...I don't use this blog anymore but if you happen to see this I did a short update post just now if you want to go check it out :)


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