Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Crafty Time!

I've been keeping my sewing machine company lately making fun baby stuff! All the ideas I have been using are from online, and all from other bloggy blogs by crafty ladies. (The pros) I thank them so much for posting such neato stuff and making tutorials for newbies like me! It helps to have detailed instructions I tell ya. Although, I like to bend the rules a little bit and improvise. So, I don't follow them the the T and they still come out looking fab ;)

First, I made this adorable sippy cup leash since my little Prince likes to throw it on the floor! The tutorial is HERE.

Here I took 2 burp cloths and made them one with style! The plain white ones are pretty boring and ugly if you ask me. HERE is that tutorial.

Yesterday I used some new cloth I bought at Joann's to make an adorable burp cloth! I love this and so does your royal highness. (He went crazy playing with it) And the Hubster helped pick out the fabric. What a team we make ;) Tutorial is right HERE. Mine is not as long as hers though.

And for the most complex thing I have made yet, the vinyl pocket bib. It defiantly isn't perfect but it serves it's purpose and I am just in love with it!! I am going to make more, I have tablecloth for days over here.
HERE is where I found the toot.

He's just too darn perfect!
Wearing it so well don't ya think? ;)
I have been shopping to get more supplies for my new super cool hobby lately. I've been to Joann's, Wal-Mart, and Hobby Lobby. Next I want to check out Micheal's. I'm sure I will have a favorite craft store soon. Can't wait to share more projects with you guys!
My spiffy craft shopping bag from Joann's
 Oh and I have also started designing Brayden's birthday invitations on the computer! It's pretty exciting, yet overwhelming because I keep changing it, constantly, and can't stick put with a design. There's so many things I can do. Maybe I should just keep it simple, that's what I keep thinking. Either way they will be way cool since Mommy is making them. ;)  Well until the next blog enjoy your day and time with loved ones!

*hugs n' sparkles*


  1. Look at all the great stuff you made. The bib looks awesome, and that baby is SO cute. Good job!!

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment! And that YOU for your blog...there are other things I've seen on there I would love to make! :D


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