Thursday, April 28, 2011

My reply to an article

  A friend posted this article onto Facebook so I read it and wanted to share my thoughts on this :) First of all, when I read it it made my jaw drop, I thought it was sad! How could someone ever feel the desire of murdering their own child, or anyone the love for that matter? I would say they would have to have bipolar disorder and need some serious therapy from the get-go. Again, this is just my opinion. I know no one is alike and we all have our faults, but I have to say that I personally adore ALL babies and children. They are a beautiful blessing from God and are made so very different for a reason. And it's wonderful! I think we all (parents) should praise each other and be there for support in any way we can. Who said parenting was easy? No one, and that's because it's not. There is always going to be those times where a little voice inside asks "Is something wrong with my son/daughter?" And its healthy. It's because we are built to care and want only the best for him or her. I say my son is perfect, because he is MY son, and in my eyes he is more perfect than I could have ever imagined a baby to be. And all children are, even if the road is bumpier for some than others. They all go at different paces in life and witnessing them grow up is quite miraculous! I think we should take more time in our day to reach out and point out that our neighbors are doing a great job and give the little ones more attention, too. After all, you never really know who is lacking that extra confidence, and we all know it feels good to have confidence in ourselves.


Here is the link to the article:

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