Saturday, April 30, 2011

6 months old!

Six months with my sweet baby boy, you give me such wonderful joy.
 I can't believe you are already mobile, but you still know nothing about getting into trouble.
I love when you smile and your two teeth show, and the way you giggle when I give your belly a blow.
Nothing gives me more peace than when I watch you sleep, all bundled in your crib and you don't make a peep.
I'm excited for the next six months with you and beyond, I hope that we continue to keep this very special bond.
My sweet little Brayden don't grow up too quick, I want to make a life for you that's absolutely epic

He is six moths old TODAY I can't believe it!! He surprised me today by starting to scoot everywhere (army crawl) like he's known all along but didn't want to actually do it until today! He's so funny. Happy half birthday B-Ray mommy loves you more than the wide wide world! :D

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